EE245 Homework 1
Due 9/4/01
First Name:
Last Name:
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Software that you have used:
IC or MEMS layout tools (Ledit, Magic, Cadence, ...)
Finite Element Analysis Tools
Go to the
melvyl online catalog
and select the INSPEC database. Find the bibliographic information for "Silicon as a Mechanical Material" by Kurt Petersen. Note that this is an
publication. Cut and paste the final sentence of the abstract here:
Find a paper by your advisor, or by me if you don't have an advisor yet. Paste the URL here:
Go to the
SUGAR HW1 web page
and follow the directions. How much deflection do you get of the resonator in the horizontal direction?
Find at least five different types of MEMS or MEMS-related products on the web. Suggestions:
pressure sensors
micro-mirrors for display applications
micro-mirrors for fiber switching applications
micro-tweezers for manipulation
CAD tools specifically for MEMS applications
packaging specifically for MEMS applications
micro-fluidic or bioMEMS
Paste the URLs here:
Go to the
SIMPLer web page
choose the process "NMOS transistor" and press start.
Move the slider until you are on step number 1, and press "calculate cross-section"
Move the slider forward one step at a time, and after each step press "calculate cross-section".
Choose different cross-sections by clicking on the border of the layout area.
How thick is the second oxide
, and how many holes get punched through it in step 7
Kris Pister